I am asked all the time about online marketing, so many marketers are confused with the most effective method to use technology to build their business. We are in the people business technology allows you to reach more people than ever before. Prior to the internet network marketing businesses were built one on one, group meetings and live events using White Boards, Flip Charts, Video's, CD's or Brochures to present your opportunity. Make no mistake these methods work, what I say is that we have before the internet and now with the internet. Technology enables us to reach more people and connect with our networks around the world. What I have found is that when you use technology, like Facebook, You Tube and other Social Media websites to connect with people once the connection is made you then need to reach out and speak directly with the people you are connecting with, either by phone, Skype or what ever method and personalize your invitation to join you in your business. We use webinars to present to a larger audience around the world and You Tube video's to reach out and broadcast our message, it's like having your own television program only better because all your videos operate 24/7 providing maximum exposure for you and your business. When you combine old & new school techniques you will see greater results rather than trying to rely on the internet to do all the work for you. We are in the people business "People don't care how much you know until they know how much you care" connect, personalize and your business will explode!
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I am asked all the time about online marketing, so many marketers are confused with the most effective method to use technology to build their business. We are in the people business technology allows you to reach more people than ever before. Prior to the internet network marketing businesses were built one on one, group meetings and live events using White Boards, Flip Charts, Video's, CD's or Brochures to present your opportunity. Make no mistake these methods work, what I say is that we have before the internet and now with the internet. Technology enables us to reach more people and connect with our networks around the world. What I have found is that when you use technology, like Facebook, You Tube and other Social Media websites to connect with people once the connection is made you then need to reach out and speak directly with the people you are connecting with, either by phone, Skype or what ever method and personalize your invitation to join you in your business. We use webinars to present to a larger audience around the world and You Tube video's to reach out and broadcast our message, it's like having your own television program only better because all your videos operate 24/7 providing maximum exposure for you and your business. When you combine old & new school techniques you will see greater results rather than trying to rely on the internet to do all the work for you. We are in the people business "People don't care how much you know until they know how much you care" connect, personalize and your business will explode!
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