Telephone Techniques
One of the best ways to jump-start your new mlm business is via the telephone. The telephone is your friend and an amazing timesaver. The better your telephone skills are, the more successful you will become.
Remember that practice provides improvement. Here's a valuable tip when working on your telephone skills:
Record yourself as you make telephone calls and then play them back, listening for ways to improve.
Other Helpful Telephone Tips
Make sure your mind is clear, you know what you want to say, and that you are in a good mood before getting on the phone.
Have all your phone numbers ready before you begin making your calls.
Always remember to smile when talking to your contacts. Your smile shows in your voice.
Decide how many calls you will make before you begin.
Be respectful of time. No one appreciates being called at a late hour. 9:30PM should be your cut-off time for calling prospects unless the person you are contacting has instructed you otherwise.
Keep the area around your telephone clean and free of clutter.
Do not spend more than one hour on the telephone without taking a break.
Keep calls brief and to the point. Set appointments and get off the phone.
Keep good records of exactly what response you received from each call made.
Be professional.
Never inform your contact of other appointment times you may have. Instead, emphasize the importance of the time you have allotted to that particular contact.
Number One Rule: ALWAYS ask for referrals.
Ask your family and friends for referrals.
After every product sale, ask your customers for referrals of people whom they believe could also benefit from the product.
Ask everyone on your Contact List if they can give you several referrals
Telephone Techniques
One of the best ways to jump-start your new mlm business is via the telephone. The telephone is your friend and an amazing timesaver. The better your telephone skills are, the more successful you will become.
Remember that practice provides improvement. Here's a valuable tip when working on your telephone skills:
Record yourself as you make telephone calls and then play them back, listening for ways to improve.
Other Helpful Telephone Tips
Make sure your mind is clear, you know what you want to say, and that you are in a good mood before getting on the phone.
Have all your phone numbers ready before you begin making your calls.
Always remember to smile when talking to your contacts. Your smile shows in your voice.
Decide how many calls you will make before you begin.
Be respectful of time. No one appreciates being called at a late hour. 9:30PM should be your cut-off time for calling prospects unless the person you are contacting has instructed you otherwise.
Keep the area around your telephone clean and free of clutter.
Do not spend more than one hour on the telephone without taking a break.
Keep calls brief and to the point. Set appointments and get off the phone.
Keep good records of exactly what response you received from each call made.
Be professional.
Never inform your contact of other appointment times you may have. Instead, emphasize the importance of the time you have allotted to that particular contact.
Number One Rule: ALWAYS ask for referrals.
Ask your family and friends for referrals.
After every product sale, ask your customers for referrals of people whom they believe could also benefit from the product.
Ask everyone on your Contact List if they can give you several referrals
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